Friday, April 2, 2010

Crafty Update

What have I been upto over the past week? WORKING. Ugh.

However, last Friday a friend of mine mentioned that she had bought a clutch purse in Vegas during a vacation and it was just too gawdy to wear anywhere other than Vegas. I mean I like bling just as much as the next girl but rhinestones in the office always look out of place.

So, as the awesome friend I am, I whipped up this bad boy for her as a gift.

The outside is pleather and just wait for it...

 Leopard print elastic satin! Oh yea. I love leopard print anything and I originally was going to use this fabric for a bikini, but I never got to that so instead I'm going to line clutches with it instead.

It was the first time I used both types of fabric and after some minor trial and error I think the end result was fantastic. 

Plus, she loves it so that's all that really matters.

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