Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Tutorial Round-up

I have been on a tutorial kick recently. While working (shhhh) I manage to find the cutest tutorials that fit exactly what I want to do. SEW. Everyday while I'm surfing the interwebs I have been secretly collecting tutorials and links and hoarding them in my gmail account. I can't keep these bad boys a secret anymore, although I'm sure most of you reading this have already found and or used one of these tutorials I want to share the lovelies I have found with you anyways.

I think I will make this a weekly post because there are so many that I have found and wanted to tackle. The following tutorials will be linked to their creator's website/blog as I am not the creator of any of the following tutorials.

This week's Tuesday Tutorial Round-up is featuring tutorials using fat quarter's of fabric. 

Sew, Mama Sew's Simple Party Clutch

Three Bear's Little Boxy Pouch

All Buttoned Up's Trim Boxes
Stardust Shoes' Baby Shoes


I have two final exams tomorrow but trust me... my mind is already wandering and thinking about sewing all of these projects. If only there were more hours in the day and less work to be done.

Happy Tuesday!
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