Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hola from Puerto Vallarta

Hola Chicas y chicos!

Como estas? Muy bien y tu? Oh what am I doing? I've been in Mexico for a little while, so pardon my Spanish. Anyways, I've have access to the internet for the next twenty four hours and so I've decided to update the blog while I had the chance.

While staying at the lovely Paradise Village Resort here in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, I had some extra time and did a little photo shoot with the new necklaces that are up for sale in the Charming Co. Etsy Shop. In the next few photos you can see the tropical plants and palm trees in the background. It was raining this morning so the pictures are not as bright as I hoped, but tomorrow will hopefully be another bright and beautiful day for another photo shoot.Speaking of tomorrow, I have a full spa day ahead of me. I have a 25 minute back aromatherapy massage and then a 50 minute thermo chocolate wrap. How relaxing. Well I better be going now.

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