Thursday, September 11, 2008

Keri Smith is my Inspiration

A few weeks ago I purchased a journal called "Wreck this Journal" written by Keri Smith. She is an author, illustrator and Guerrilla artist. No she does not create art inspired by gorillas, but she creates unique and innovative muses that inspire art from anyone, anything, and any where.

I have yet to completely wreck my journal, but I will soon. The instructions she has created in the journal range from bizarre to fun to down right dirty, all in the hopes of inspiring the reader or the "wrecker" to go outside of their comfort zone to expand their horizons and create something wonderful. The few pages I have completed forced me to do things I otherwise would never have thought of doing. I was in a crafting slump because I felt as if I had hit this wall in regards to what I could create with my medium of choice (polymer clay). Believe it or not, but this journal has gotten my creative juices flowing and I am back at it again sculpting like mad.

While stumbling around the internet, I came across her website and blog and a new project for me to start. 100 ideas! Keri came up with 100 ideas to get your creativity going and formulated a worksheet. Print out the ideas. Cut them up. Put them in a hat (or a plastic baggy like I did) and select one or a few each day and have at it!

For the next few weeks I will accomplish a few of the tasks at a time (or maybe just one at a time we'll see) and post the results here on the blog. I would love for you all to join in the fun.

Today I have completed #68 Draw the outline of an object without looking at the page.

I'll update with the scanned image later.

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