Monday, August 25, 2008

Sugar Sugar

I had a crafty epiphany today in the midst of working. Lately, crafting has been on the back burner because of the move and working two jobs and school starting in less than a week. So, I have felt stifled in the crafting department of my mind. For the last few weeks my mind has been blocked of any creative thinking when it comes to polymer clay (my default craft) and I've felt burnt out on making tiny foods. However, while talking to my friend about Halloween and our plans to dress up, my mind started to wander to bigger and bolder ideas of what else? Dia de los Muertos.

The Day of the Dead has been a tradition I've loved for years. Although, most people may not know that about me, I love the bright colors and the idea of celebrating passed loved ones and all the spirits between the worlds of Heaven, Hell and everything in between. While, thinking about Dia de los Muertos, I started to day dream about sugar skulls. Different patterns and symbols and beautiful decorations. I thought to myself, "I have tons of white clay left over from my image transfer pendant stint I could never perfect. Why not!?" I am so excited to start picking up the clay and molding my very own polymer clay sugar skulls- just in time for the fall season!

Be on the look out for updates and pics. I can't wait!

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