Sunday, June 22, 2008

Update Goodness


I know you've missed me. You must have. I know I missed you all. So, life has been busy, busy, busy in my little Charmingland. The fam (Justine, Stephnay, Ralphie, Brutus) and I have been on a search for a house. We currently inhabit a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 900 sq. foot apartment, and the boys need a backyard. We started looking for a house with at least 3 bedrooms and 2 baths but we are only twenty-somethings and cannot afford a house with those specifications for our budget. Well if we wanted to move to the deep ghetto and risk our cars and safety we could afford it. Just today we got lucky by finding 3 houses in our price range and literally right around the corner and down the street. We jumped on the closest house and did a walk through and fell in LOVE.

This house is just down the street a bit and has two bedrooms, one bath, 1 car garage, a JACUZZI, a decent backyard for the boys, and an extra GAME ROOM. Can you say Score?! We came home right quick and filled out our applications and we should hear back sometime tomorrow if we got the place or not. The owner wants to move fast so by August 1st if we get into the house we will be moving.

On the flipside of things I have updated the Charming Co. website. so head on over and see the new additions. There will be a photo gallery of people who have purchased items as well as pics from past vending events.

Stay tuned for more lovelies!

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