Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dress up

It's that time of year again, when the sun stays up longer and warms you to your core. Finally Father Winter has gone back to sleep and Spring is finally springing. Today I wore warm colors because the weather was just too nice to walk around in blues or black and it made me want to bust out my razor and shave my legs for SKIRT and DRESS SEASON!

Like most ladies, my legs are fuzzy thanks to wearing jeans and pants all winter long. Now that it is much warmer outside and will only continue to progressively get warmer to an unbearable hotness Sacramento seems to attract, it's time to de-fur and get some sun on these pasty legs.

I have a few skirts and sundresses that I bought last year but look at these beauties I found while "virtual window shopping" this afternoon.

Lots-O-Dots Sundress 

Denim Button Dress
Plaid Halter Dress

Ruffled Linen Dress
(Perfect for Easter!)
Modern Color Block Dress

Buffalo Plaid Dress

All the dresses above are for big girls, since I am a big girl. I love the casual Buffalo Plaid dress (above) so much I found a tutorial online how to make an elastic waist skirt.

Susan Peterson over at the Freshly Picked blog has a wonderfully easy and quick tutorial on making your very own elastic waist skirt! I can't wait to try this tutorial this weekend. I need to go fabric shopping now. 


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