Sunday, March 29, 2009

Roll it up

Hey everyone! Sorry for abandoning you all for a week. This last week was intense. I had two midterms and a 4 page paper due! There were a few more non-school related bumps that caused a lot of stress on my end and so I could not possibly blog knowing I would probably just end up complaining. Aye.

Now that the hectic week is now over and done with, I have had a few moments to myself to play around with new yarn and ideas for new products. First and foremost I had to come up with a crochet hook holder. I have been losing my hooks left and right, misplacing my stitch markers everywhere and looky what I made!

It was easy to make and I just had to use my favorite yarn I have been hording until the right time. The yarn used was plush and thick and green (all my favorite things). It can hold quite a few hooks, stitch markers, and it rolls up and buttons close. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

I think I'll make another one to give to my mom as a Mother's Day gift. She's going to love it.


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