Thursday, February 19, 2009


Advertising is fun when I'm making graphics and images to add to the blog, but advertising is not fun when you don't know where to post the new graphics.

In the past week I've sold 3 items at my new Etsy Shop, and I believe the success is due to constant updates of my Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, and posting the pics of items on Flickr as well.

I'm slowly but surely tackling ads online, but soon enough I will have hard copies of postcards to place at local pet related establishments. Word of mouth is actually doing really well too. When I see a cute pooch with a blah collar I'll chit chat with their owner and plug my handmade collars.

Certainly, I will jump back into the craft show game, but I'm taking it slow and steady. That and I work every Saturday, so I can't take too much time off of my real paying job to sell my items. I just keep asking myself, when will McMartin Realty's second Saturday start again? Night events are always fun and I don't have to lose out on pay to promote my pet crafts.


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