Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm kind of a Big Deal.

Alrighty kiddies, I want to announce that Charming items are now being sold at the Grind & Groove in Midtown Sacramento!!!

On Friday night I brought over my goods and set up my display, so for all of those in town please go check it out!!!

Charming items are now being sold on Etsy as well Grind & Groove. Which I must say makes me kind of a big deal. hehe.

I just love everyone over there at G&G for letting me have the opportunity to sell my wares at such a great establishment. The staff and owners are all so helpful and supportive of local crafters and artists. A fellow Sacl. Craft Mafia member Evie of Evie's Ark is selling her pet goodies over there as well so head on up the stairs while at G&G and check them out! They are the cutest and most fashionable pet goodies I have seen around here.

On to the pics of my beautiful display at G&G.

I will be posting this week new pictures of new goodies!! So keep an eye out.

Much love,
Erika Ashley

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